Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pork Barrel Politics Kill: 5 Disasters Coming Soon If We Don’t Rebuild U.S. Infrastructure

Via Popular Mechanics (HT: Instapundit who notes, "Problem is, the political rewards for fixing old stuff are far inferior to the political rewards for building new stuff -- even if the old stuff is stuff we need, and the new stuff is showy pork."):

In the wake of the Minneapolis bridge collapse, the author [Stephen Flynn]—a national security expert and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations—called on Congress to stop turning an “irrational and reckless” blind eye to our crumbling public foundations. Here he reports on more cracks in American hardware that urgently need attention.

...1. Delta Deluge California...
...2. Dam Collapse Kentucky...
...3. Fuel Drought California...
...4. Gotham Superstorm New York...
...5. Toxic Shock Pennsylvania...



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