Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ohio GOP can do much better than Rob Portman

The Cincinnati Enquirer's 'Portman could rescue GOP' profiles former Congressman RobPortman and asks the question:
Is Terrace Park's Rob Portman - now President Bush's budget director - the Ohio GOP's best hope for a comeback?
Ohio's GOP can do better than a former fiscally irresponsible Congressman:

Rob Portman was a member of the House Budget Committee during the disastrous formulation of the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill. Mr. Portman's fingerprints are all over a bill that was originally estimated to cost $400 billion and within a few days of its enactment was projected to cost $500 billion. That estimate has since been revised upward; first to $724 billion and more recently to $1.2 trillion!. The ballooning cost estimates have even caused the free-spending Democrats to call for an investigation.

And Ohio's GOP can do better than a former Congressman that used earmarks in the 2003 Omnibus Bill to benefit the City of Portsmouth, Ohio

with more than $6 million of grants that were a direct result of changing US Department of Agriculture grant rules that were designated for rural communities. (Yep...that's a picture of the 'rural' City of Portsmouth above)

Congressman Portman's actions resulted in a new 'innovative crop'; decorative murals in Portsmouth, Ohio:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to Portsmouth? It's far from urban.

November 22, 2006 at 12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: Have you ever been to Portsmouth? It's far from urban.

A: Yes.

Moreover, I've detailed how the Census Bureau doesn't classify Portsmouth, Ohio as rural. It took an act of Congress and the President's signature to change the rural designation rules so that Portsmouth could get rural USDA rural grants.

If Congressman Portman wanted to get money to Portsmouth, he could have gone through the normal budgetary process and made his case along with all the other priorities being set for government dollars.

November 22, 2006 at 11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This early, it's predictable that Ohio Republicans would look to big names from the past as their savior in 2010.

But it's wide open and new faces are popping up everywhere. Look out for House Speaker Jon Husted, State Rep Kevin DeWine, State Senator Kevin Coughlin, Lorain Mayor Craig Foltin and many more.

You may not know them now. But you probably will. The party is primed for new leaders.

November 23, 2006 at 2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to agree w/Porkopolis on Rob, and respectfully disagree with Steve on the others.

I don't believe that Husted and DeWine constitute "new" leadership. They may be younger, but have been just as entangled as the rest.

For all the lamenting about Rob, the man did love his pork and I guess the bottom line is the debate over what constitutes "pork."

I don't mind giving folks a leg up as long as it is proven successful and doesn't become a pattern of gov't dependence.

June 20, 2007 at 11:57 AM  

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