Friday, August 10, 2007

The 2007 Club for Growth RePORK Card

The 2007 RePork Card details the votes on 50 anti-pork amendments by members of the House of Representatives.

Ohio Second District Representative Schmidt voted the wrong way on 12 (not 13 as noted on the report card) of the anti-pork amendmendts.

Schmidt voted against eliminating the following earmarks:
  • House Vote 568 - Bars funding of $100,000 for the Ohio Association of Professional Firefighters to renovate a hall in Ohio. Amendment failed, 66-364.
  • House Vote 597 - To remove 148 requested earmarks from the bill (H.R.2829 To reauthorize the Office of National Drug Control Policy Act). Amendment failed, 48-372.
  • House Vote 640 - Strikes numerous earmarks from the bill (H R 2641 Making appropriations for energy and water development and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes). Amendment failed, 39-388.
  • House Vote 654 - Bars funding of $34,000,000 for the Alaska Native Education Equity program and other programs. Amendment failed, 74-352.
  • House Vote 663 - Strikes all earmarks in the bill (H R 3043 Making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes ). Amendment failed, 53-369.
  • House Vote 671 - Bars funding of $200,000 for the Corporation for Jefferson's Popular Forest in Forest, VA. Amendment failed, 68-360.
  • House Vote 698 - Bars funding of $300,000 for the Belmont Complex in Kittanning, PA. Amendment failed, 87-335.
  • House Vote 809 - Bars funding of $878,046 for the Catfish Pathogen Genomic Project in Auburn, AL. Amendment failed, 74-357.
  • House Vote 812 - Bars funding of $489,000 for Ruminant Nutrition Consortium in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Amendment failed, 74-355.
  • House Vote 813 - Bars funding of $6,371,000 for the wood utilization grant in Mississippi, North Carolina, Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, Idaho, Tennessee, Arkansas and West Virginia. Amendment failed, 68-363.
  • House Vote 839 - Bars funding of $2,500,000 for the Presidio Trust national park in San Francisco, CA. Amendment failed, 94-311.
  • House Vote 844 - Bars funding of $3,000,000 for the Lewis Center for Education Research in Apple Valley, CA. Amendment failed, 57-353.



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