Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Candidate Tom Brinkman

Tom Brinkman has responded to the Porkopolis pledge. Due to scheduling conflicts, we did not have an opportunity to speak directly, but Mr. Brinkman was kind enough to communicate his responses via email.


Mr. Brinkman is currently Ohio State Representative for the 34th District. Candidate Brinkman is a fiscal conservative in both words and actions.

Here are Mr. Binkman’s responses to the Porkopolis pledges:

1. If elected to Congress you pledge to only vote on legislation that you have completely read and work to end the abuse of the legislative bill writing process?
I have a 100 % voting record. I have a habit of voting NO more often than my colleagues. This generally occurs when an issue is rushed and I do not have the time to read or research it thoroughly.

I believe I can honestly abide by this requirement because that is what I am doing in Columbus.

2. If elected to Congress, you will pledge never to bring any Pork Barrel spending back to the district or vote for any bill that contains spending that has not gone through the established budgetary review process?
I will not pursue PORK. I have been one of the few who did not pursue PORK in Columbus. That is why I am a two time winner of the "Watchdog of the Treasury" award ( out of two times I could possibly win it).

Mr. Brinkman would like to share the following with the Porkoplis’ readers:
A word about the Taft tax increases; they were much more than just a 20 % increase in the sales tax for two years. They include a six cent per gallon gas tax making Ohio the fourth highest in the nation. They include new taxes on intangibles, trusts, dry cleaning, massage therapy, towing etc. They include 151 fee increases, some reaching 2000 % percent.

These tax increases have resulted in one of the worst state tax climate in the nation.


Blogger Matt Hurley said...

Maybe I'm just an idiot and not doing something right, but I'm not finding a link for your expanded entry with the Brinkman answers...

June 8, 2005 at 12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just click on the icon that looks like a pork link / sausage.


June 8, 2005 at 3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brinkman likes to say he'd never vote for a tax increase, no matter what.

That bothers me, honestly. While I'm for low taxes, you should never completely rule out an option. That's not leadership.

June 11, 2005 at 2:57 PM  

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