Saturday, July 25, 2009

Talk of the Nation Science Friday: Decoding the Science of Decision Making

Decoding the Science of Decision Making (with Audio):
For decades researchers ranging from economists to psychologists to neuroscientists have tried to understand how people make decisions, both mundane and major. Guest host Paul Raeburn and guests look at what happens in the mind of "the decider" when there's a choice to be made.


Michael J. Frank, assistant professor, Laboratory for Neural Computation and Cognition, Brown University, Providence, R.I.

Jennifer S. Lerner, professor, Harvard Kennedy School, director, Harvard Decision Science Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Colin Camerer, professor of Behavioral Finance and Economics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.
Related: Peering Into The Human Brain With fMRI Techniques


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