Let's Never Find Out: Part 5 Obama on Earmarks

neverfindout.org asks the provocative question:
What happens when we elect a President who asks for three quarters of a billion in earmarks? Please, America, let's never find out.
The $740 million in requests claim is backed-up by the New York Times in this March 14, 2008 story where they highlighted:
...The list included $1 million for a hospital where Mr. Obama’s wife works...Jim Addison at Wizbang commented:
...It sure is a small world, isn't it? You are NOT going to believe this, but this happens to be the same UCH [University of Chicago Hospital] which employs Michelle Obama! The same employer which raised her pay grade more than double, from $129K in 2004 to $316,000 in 2005 after Barack was elected to the Senate. I know! Isn't that weird?Human Events provided details and specifics on many of the requests.
But wait! There's more - guess who was the #1 source of campaign contributions for Barack Obama through 2006? No, GUESS.
Aw, you peeked, didn't you?
I just LOVE coincidences. I know cops and detectives and prosecutors and those types don't believe in them, but I do! I believe in coincidences. And hope. And change. And etc.
Obama conveniently called for a hiatus on earmarks during the Presidential campaign.
Related: HOPE-ON Project (Help Ohio Prevent Electing Obama Now) via BizzyBlog.
Shouldn't this be identified as Part 5?
Thanks for catching that...post title was updated.
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