Sunday, August 03, 2008

So Obama...what do you want? High gas prices or not?

From Obama's interview with CNBC on 06/10/2008:
HARWOOD: So could these high [gas] prices help us?

Sen. OBAMA: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing. But if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money into their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more quickly, particularly US automakers, then I think ultimately, we can come out of this stronger and have a more efficient energy policy than we do right now.
From Obama's interview with the Palm Beach Post on 08/01/2008:
My interest is in making sure we've got the kind of comprehensive energy policy that can bring down gas prices.



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