Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Political Musings on Ohio 2nd

With Schmidt's win and Hackett's good showing, it appears that the Democratic National Party (DNP) strategy of keeping Hillary, Dean, Pelosi and other prominent Democrats out of the district worked better than many in the DNP would have expected.

Does anyone doubt that one visit from any of the aforementioned would have juiced up the Republican base for a stronger turnout? Fortunately the DNP's strategy reaffirms the radioactive nature of the A-list Democrats that avoided the district like the plague.

Nixguy has some good thoughts as well:

SwingStateProject is declaring this a big victory for Democrats. Yeah I guess that’s true because the Democrats have learned that:

If their candidate pretends to be a Republican…
They swarm the candidate with a lot of $$$…
They Blogswarm the candidate and attack the Republican…
And if the Righty blogosphere does nothing to respond…
And if the Republican is hampered by spending all the money in the primary…
They put hundreds of volunteers on the street…
In a low turnout election…
When nothing else is going on in the whole freaking country…

They still lose.


Blogger Ben said...

I agree...pathetic trying to spin this loss into a win. Shows how far the Democrats have fallen


August 3, 2005 at 8:49 PM  

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