Sunday, February 10, 2008

Must See TV!: Michelle Rhee keeps shaking up D.C. Public Schools

In September of 2007, C-SPAN interviewed Washington, DC Public Schools' Chancellor, Michelle Rhee.

Recently, the NewsHour aired a profile Ms. Rhee which shows she is standing up to the calcified politics of D.C. and making progress:

In Battle to Revamp D.C. Schools, Education Leader Faces Resistance (with transcipt and video):
John Merrow reports on the controversial practices that D.C. schools chief Michelle Rhee is using to shake up the city's school system, including closing 23 schools by 2010 in a bid to tackle a $100 million budget deficit -- a move that has raised a storm of protest.
Ms. Rhee soldiers on in the true spirit of a public servant.


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